Dominga Munoz Ruiz 44 yrs. old born in Nueva Guinea lives in Cukra River 12th baby. Her child she is to have now is a boy but has no name. Asked us to help her find a name. Very thankful for us coming and be at this home, thanks God and is satisfied with what she has right now. She told Alex and Paula that God is going to help us more than we can imagine.
Jessica Medrano Aguirrie 17 yrs. old. Baby girl her second already has another daughter who is 3 yrs. old. Born in Managua lives in Tortuquero. Lives by herself with her 3 yr. old daughter. Was 14 when first got pregnant. In the future she wants to work to help herself. If she had time she would go back to school.
Hilma Sanchez Gomez with her baby boy 5 days old, no name she is 26 yrs. old. Lives now in Pueblo Nuevo. This is her 6th child. Her first one is 13 yrs. old she also has a 9 yr. old, a 7yr.old, a 5 yr. old, and a 2 yr. old. Man that she is with drinks alot and hits her. Her dad left her mom when she was 7 and since then she has taken care of herself.
Sebastiana Gomez lives in Canyon Negro. She is having a boy and going to call him Ernesto Viscente. She is 33 yrs. old. She has one son that is 11, and three daughters, 10, 5 and 2. When her man found out she was pregnant again he left. She works in the fields planting fruits. Two of her daughters go to school.
George printing photos
Alex interviewing and translating. Paula typing the interview.
The women with their bundles and our group,
Molly filing nails.
Wendy and Molly applying nail polish.
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